Crochet Book Review – Priscilla Irish Crochet Book 1 & 2

Priscilla Irish Crochet Book Review by Avyastore.

Crochet Book Review - Priscilla Irish Crochet Book 1 & 2

Priscilla Irish Crochet Books were published by The Priscilla Publishing Co. Boston, Mass. The books were popular in crafter communities in the early 19th century. To date, the books are popular in the Irish Crochet world. In the book, there are more than 1500 designs. Every kind of Irish design used by modern needleworkers was represented. The book consists of simple to work or elaborate and complex design of Irish Crochet.

Priscilla Irish Crochet Book, No. 1 by Lula M Harvey

Year of Publication – 1909

 The book has all the stitches and fillings for Irish Crochet, together with a large assortment of floral motifs.

Price, 25 cents

Priscilla Irish Crochet Book, No. 2 by Eliza A. Taylor

Year of Publication – 1912

This second hook on Irish Crochet supplements the first very nicely. and gives a large assortment of motifs and finished articles, with clear and full directions for working. Price, 25 cents

Mesmerising Designs of Irish Crochet get the in-depth:

The books have incorporate designs for Holiday Novelties, suitable for gifts for all occasions, such as Glove. Tie and Handkerchief Cases —Powder, Soap. Sponge and Jewelry Bags and Cases — Veil, Stamp and Comb and Brush Cases — Whisk Broom Holders. Shaving Pads, Penwipers. and Pincushions of all shapes and sizes —Pin Books and Pin Balls— Needlebooks and Calendars — Post Card. Darning Cotton and Teapot Holders — Book Racks, Note Books, and Magazine Covers— Sewing Cases, Suspenders, Work Bags, Opera Bags, Sachet Bags and Collar Bags —Candle Shades, Photograph Frames, Napkin Rings and Napkin Holders.

The book also consists of an assortment of Stocks. Dutch Collars and Jabots. and following it, a showing of Fancy Aprons in a wide variety of shapes and styles. Further along with some Embroidered Belts, with 20 designs to choose from, and 45 exquisite designs for Embroidered Hose. Then follow dozens of designs for Towel Ends, scores of de-signs for Centrepieces, Doilies and Lunch Cloths, still more designs for Bureau, Sideboard. Table and Piano Scarfs, and pages of designs for Pillow Covers.

Addition Designs of Insertion and Edging 

The book consists of Insertion and Edging designs. de-signs for Nightgowns, Corset Covers, Combinations, Shirt Waists and Costumes, designs for Babies’ One-piece Nightingales, Baby Bonnets. Yokes and Little Dresses. Bibs, Shoes. Hats and Collars.

There is a section devoted to Stenciling, the instructions for mixing and applying colours. and over 200 different designs that may be used for every conceivable kind of decoration to which stencilling is applicable.

Finally, ten different styles of letters for marking house-hold linens are shown, and all sorts of embroidery materials and accessories are pictured and listed.

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